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Clay County

Economy Continues to Evolve

Economic development in Clay County is diversified. Agriculture, industry, tourism and a growing retail base combine to employ a significant number of the county’s 3,000-person workforce.

As is the case with the state, national and world economies, Clay County’s economy has evolved through the years and continues to. Local manufacturers are in hiring mode, and several new businesses, both physical and online, have opened in recent years.

Download our business directory here…

We have good local schools, which help drive our local workforce development efforts. Our local workforce development committee partners with local, regional and state agencies to tackle such projects as local job fairs. Business leaders, elected officials and education partners are all at the local table.

Pictured above is the National Headquarters for Honest Abe Log Homes, a division of The Smith Companies, a family-owned company operating in Clay Coounty since 1969. Combined, The Smith Companies are the second largest employers in Clay County. Read a history of the companies here…

Agricultural production

Farming and the wood products industry have been backbones of the local economy since its founding, and they’re still significant components. In addition, Clay County ranks second in the state in poultry production. Agriculture remains a huge economic driver for

Clay County farmers sold over $36 million in various products in 2017, with those sales tilted heavily toward livestock production. Eighty-eight percent of the county’s agricultural production is in livestock, and Clay County also ranks second in the state in poultry production. Over 400 farms account for almost 80,000 acres of production.


Clay County’s workforce of about 3,000 are employed largely in industry, education and government positions. Looking to attract more industry, the local industrial board is developing a 50-acre site within the Celina city limits. We expect this to be home to new industry and possibly the expansion of already-existing industry, in a short time.

Tourism and Retail

With Dale Hollow Lake nearby, tourism has always been a staple of the local economy, and the focus has shifted more in that direction in recent years. Tourism and travel-related expenditures in the county were over $7 million mark, and we expect that number to improve. The number of retail establishments has also grown significantly in the past five years.

County and city government and the chamber work together to attract an even wider base of employers to the county. Diversity is a key component to the long-term health of the county, so we’re working to bring more industry and other commercial ventures to the county.

Along with that, we hope to make Clay County an even more desirable retirement destination.


If you need more information about Clay County, please give us a call or stop by during business hours or email us.

Clay County Partnership Chamber of Commerce
424 Brown Street
Celina, TN 38551


We look forward to hearing from you if you are

  • looking to open a new business in Clay County
  • relocating an existing business to Clay County
  • seeking industrial land or buildings
  • hoping to become a chamber member
  • planning a vacation here
  • retiring to the Dale Hollow area
  • moving to our county


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